650 priests and nuns of the Diocese of Mangalore gathered together in Rosario Cathedral Hall on Monday, the 4th of November to celebrate the faith experience of theirs during the faith year which was inaugurated in October 2012 on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the commencement of the second Vatican Council.  While around 500 were the religious nuns from different Congregations who have their houses in the Diocese of Mangalore more than 150 religious and diocesan priests participated in the Faith Convention.

``Faith should be our ultimate and only priority in life.  Our lives are animated, moved and illumined by the gift of faith which is living experience to every believer.  Faith is the greatest treasure that is given to us by God which makes our life simple, committed and Christ oriented.  We need to experience  this faith within us before sharing it with others.  It is a relationship with God and one another.  It should be fostered in its quality which will make our life unique and special. Pope Francis is one such example before us.  As to deepen the faith of ours as well as that of the lay persons we need to promote Small Christian Communities, animate the different prayer groups which are active in the Church, promote inter- religious dialogues, meaningful celebration of the liturgy and Sacraments’’ said  Most  Rev. Dr Thomas Dabre, the Bishop of  Pune who animated the convention of  Priests and Religious.

Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, the Bishop of Mangalore said “that before sharing and strengthening the faith of others we need to experience its depth in ourselves.  It is with this intention, a separate faith convention for Priests and Religious was suggested.”

Fr Valerian Pinto, Fr Pius D’Souza O.C.D. and Sr Shalini A.C. led the prayers and holy hour.  Fr J.B. Crasta the Dean of the Cathedral and Secretary of the Council of Priests welcomed the gathering.  Fr Valerian Menezes the Judicial Vicar of Mangalore introduced Bishop Dabre.  Fr Rocky Fernandes the Vice Principle of Rosario College compeered the faith convention.  The convener of the faith convention Vicar General Msgr Denis Prabhu was present. 

The youth rally and youth  faith convention will be held on the 17th of November in Mangalore from Milagres Church to Cathedral.  The grand finale of the year of faith would be held from 22-24th of November in Nehru Maidan.

By: Fr Francis Rodrigues, Raknno























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