The free screening and awareness camp was held at the Rosario Cultural Hall on the 28th of August 2022. The Jewels group in association with the Health Commission Rosario Unit and the Society of St Vincent De Paul organized the Program in collaboration with the Indian Cancer Society and the eminent Doctors of KMC Hospital Attavar.

Mr. Cyril Rosario, President St. Vincent De Paul Society, Rosario Conference welcomed the gathering. Rev Fr. Alfred J Pinto Parish priest Rosario Cathedral, was the Chief Guest. Rev Fr. Vinod Lobo Assistant Parish Priest, Rosario Cathedral, Dr. M.S Athiyamaan H.O.D Radiation Oncology, Dr Harsha Prasad Pediatric Oncologist both from KMC Hospital Attavar, Mr. Gilbert D”Silva Vice President, Mrs Hazel Menezes Secretary of the Parish Council Rosario, Mr. Stany Lasrado, representing the Jewels Group and Mr. Lawrence Tellis Co-ordinator of the Health Commission shared the dais.

Rev Fr. Alfred Pinto inaugurated the camp by lighting the lamp along with the dignitaries on the dais. Fr. Vinod Lobo bestowed God’s blessings on the organizers, doctors and all the participants of the camp through his prayers. Rev Fr. Alfred in his address acknowledged and praised the services and dedication of the Jewels group and the Doctors of KMC Hospital Attavar Mangalore in their fight against the dreaded disease. He also gave testimony of how an early diagnosis had helped his sister to get cured from first stage of cancer. He later went ahead and took the screening Test.

Mr. Stany Lasrado delivered the message on behalf of the Jewels Group. He along with Mr. William Monteiro handed over a token of appreciation to Fr. Alfred Pinto, Mr. Lawrence Tellis, Dr. Harsha Prasad, Dr. M S Athiyamaan and Mr. Cyril Rosario.

Dr. Harsha Prasad in his talk explained the seriousness of the dreaded disease and how cases of cancer are increasing in children below 14 years. He also stressed that all should and must go for screening at least once in two years.

Mr. Lawrence Pinto of Sacred Heart ward gave a heart rendering testimony of his Fight and Victory over the Cancer Disease. He was thankful for the moral support from his family and God’s grace.

Dr M S Athiyamaan delivered an elaborate audio visual presentation about Precaution, treatment and cure of cancer. A large number of parishioners attended the awareness camp and underwent the screening test. Mrs. Janet Pereira of the Jewels group gave the Vote of Thanks. Mr. Cyril Rosario compered the program.

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