The Members of St. Rita Ward Celebrated the Feast of their Patron St. Rita on Sunday the 19th of May 2024 beginning with the Holy Mass at 8.00 am concelebrated by Fr. Vinod Lobo. They offered Food Kits to 10 lesser privileged families of the Parish through the Society of St. Vincent De Paul.

The Feast Program was held at Diyakiran Convent at 5.00 pm. Parish Priest Fr. Alfred Pinto, Fr. Vinod Lobo, Fr. Harold D’Souza, Spiritual Director of Gladsom Home and Sr. Juliet Machado Supirior of Diyakiran Convent were the Guests of Honor.

The Program began with a prayer dance by the little ones of the ward. The Gurkar Cyril Rosario welcomed the gathering of over 90 people and felicitated the guests of honor and new members of the Ward, Mrs. Veena Saldanha and Mrs. Estrella Monteiro. Fr. Alfred in his address felicitated the ward members on the feast of St. Rita, the day being also the Feast of the Holy Trinity He explained the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. Later Veteran Gurkar Mr. J V D’Mello gave an elaborate talk on the essence of the Holy Spirit. Addressing the gathering Fr. Harold and Fr. Vinod appreciated the support of the ward members to the Church and for all the programs organized by the Church. The Children and the youth presented dance and the seniors enacted a couple of skits. Five achievers of the ward were awarded for their accomplishment. Ward representative Mrs. Evelyn Roche conducted various games for the young and the old and also the Housie. Fr. Vinod Lobo distributed the prizes to the winners. Ward representative Mrs. Benedicta Rosario gave the vote of thanks and Sr. Juliet offered the prayer before meals. All the ward members enjoyed the sumptuous meal and Ice-cream. The program was compared by Mrs. Veena Saldanha.































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