The Feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated with devotion and pomp on Sunday the 15th September 2024 at Diyakiran Convent in the St Rita Ward.

The Program began at 5.30 pm with the Rosary, The Gurkar Cyril Rosario, Welcomed the gathering of almost a hundred ward members. All the children of the ward brought flowers and best two flower arrangements were judged winners of the contest. The Ward representatives Mrs. Evelyn Roche and Mrs. Benedicta Rosario along with the ward members conducted the novena and the children offered flowers to Mama Mary. Mr. J V D’Mello prayed over the blessed New Corn and Roce prepared by Mrs. Evelyn Roche which was distributed to all present. Morial geethan contest was conducted by the Superior of Diyakiran Convent, Sr. Juliet DHM. In a view to honor the girl child, a Lucky Girl Child draw was organized and Miss Rensia Pereira bagged the prize. A game conducted for Senior Citizens was bagged by Mrs. Hilda D’Mello.

Five members celebrating their Birthday this month were felicitated by jointly cutting the cake.

A beautiful Skit on Humanity was enacted by Shahila Almeida and team.

A Lovely dance was performed by Alura Fernandes, Velonia Fernandes, Siyona Fernandes and Rensia Pereira. This dance was choreographed by Felita and Floyd Lobo

Fr. Valerian Frank in his message expressed the happiness over the unity of the ward and advised the members to build a community that lifts up humanity along with faith and hope over our Lord. Our Vicar Fr. Alfred J Pinto distributed the prizes to the winners and in his message commended the Gurkar, the Ward Representatives, the members of the Core Committee for their hard work and their efforts and the support and co-operation of all the members of the ward he also thanked Sr. Juliet Machado supporting and guiding the Ward members and also for providing their Hall for the religious activities of the ward. He specially applauded the parents of the children for having encouraged them to participate in the dance sequence and the floral display competition.

Housie was conducted by Evelyn Roche and Agnel Rosario, Sr. Juliet Machado raised the vote of Thanks. The whole program was well organized and compared by the eloquent Dr. Mrs. Rochelle Tellis.

The program ended with a sumptuous Festhachen Jevoan prepared by cooperation of all the ward members.































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