Fr. Victor D’souza who had been the Principal of Rosario P.U. college for the last four years was given a warm send-off on Sunday, May 15th, 2022, after 8 a. m. Mass. Fr. Victor D’souza has been transferred as the Asst. Director of Friendship house, Talapady and Asst. Director of counseling centre, Bajjodi.

After the Mass, in a brief send-off program, Mr. Alwyn Tauro spoke of his service to the institutions and church and expressed their gratitude for his selfless service.

On 17th May Rosario Cathedral Parishioners gathered at the church at 3.00 p.m. to reach Fr. Victor D’souza to Friendship house Talapady. At 3.30 p.m. Fr. Arun Lobo, the director of Friendship House received him with a garland and a welcoming hug and thereafter a short programme was arranged. Tea and snacks were served.

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